Earth-Friendly Events This Weekend in Peterborough

Having blogged last week about Earth Hour, which is taking place worldwide tomorrow evening, I was pleased to learn that Peterborough, home to our award-winning Avonlea community, takes this event seriously.

I guess we couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate city for our green community.

The first event, suitably called Earth Hour 2012, takes place this Saturday from dusk until midnight. Hosted by the Peterborough Astronomical Association, it will allow visitors to view the moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter by telescope.

night sky

This is an annual event that costs nothing to attend. What’s more, your kids are likely to love it. So if you want to show them what an impact turning the lights off can have on stars’ visibility, among many other things, be sure to take them here.

Peterborough restaurants also play a part, offering dining by candlelight. As for local schools, they encourage children to participate by asking them to sign up online and showing them the importance of turning off their lights, TVs, computers, and other equipment.

Earth Hour 2012

Armour Hill, Peterborough

From dusk to midnight, Saturday, March 31, 2012.

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