Can A Green Christmas Be Fun?

I’d tell you December is one of my favourite months, but then I guess December is probably one of your favourite months as well. After all, what’s not to like about festivities, family dinners, great food, and a joyful spirit?

Another favourite activity of mine is to help protect the environment, especially when done in a way that immediately helps improve your quality of life.

The problem is that Christmas often brings about a frenzy of superfluous spending that can tax the environment by producing excess waste (not to mention all the fuel used to transport merchandise).

When properly chosen, even electronic gadgets can be (fairly) green. The Phillips Eco TV set features recycled packaging and an energy-saving LCD screen.

So how can we reconcile these two seemingly contradictory aspirations?

It’s actually quite simple.

  • Cut down on the amount of paper used for gift-wrapping. Or consider not wrapping the gifts at all. Some people use children’s artwork, old maps, a bandana or a scarf.
  • e-Cards aren’t just convenient and cheap (or sometimes even free) — they also save paper and gas (which would be used to transport mailed cards).
  • Don’t leave Christmas light on all day. Consider getting LED Christmas lights, which use up to 90% less energy. Bonus: they also last a lot longer.
  • Recycle your Christmas tree. This link has useful information.
  • Get toys that use no batteries. Wooden toys can boost critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Consider making gifts rather than buying them. From homemade soap to a secret hollow book, homemade gifts ensure that you not only you experience more pleasure than when you buy to the mall — they also tend to used more often and bring about more pleasure to he person who receives them.

Your turn! What do you like to do to make your Christmas and festivities greener?

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